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Aid Stations

Aid Station Menu

Here is a list of most but probably not all the items you can expect to find on the table at an aid station. Some of these items might be at some tables but not all. Also some fruit depends on if we can get it in season. Also note that volunteers like to bring their own special treats for runners.

Fruit: Oranges, Bananas, Grapes, Watermelon
Snacks: PB&J, Nutella Wraps, Pickles, Granola Bars, Chips, Pretzels, Brownies, Danishes, Cookies, Chocolate Candy, Gummy/Fruit Candy, PB Crackers, Applesauce
Gels: Huma Gels (Gels will be limited in quantities so please bring your own gels and PLEASE only take a gel if absolutely necessary)

Drinks: Tailwind Hydration/Electrolyte Mix, Water, Coke, Sprite, Ginger Ale.

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